Safety Tips
Tips To Stay Safe
Keep Yourself & Your Family Safe In The Following Situations:
Safety during a violent incident
- Practice how to get out of your home safely.
- Keep purses and car keys readily available.
- Teach children how to use the telephone to contact the police and the fire department.
Safety when preparing to leave
- Open a savings account to increase independence.
- Rehearse an escape plan.
- Practice it with your children.
Safety with an Order of Protection
- Keep your protection order on or near you at all times.
- Give your protection order to police departments in communities where you visit family or friends.
- Inform your employer, minister, closest friend and relatives that you have a protection order in effect. Show them pictures of the abuser.
- Ask for help screening telephone calls at work.
Call police immediately if order is violated.
Items to consider taking when leaving
- Identification, birth certificates, social security cards
- School and vaccination records
- Money, checkbook, ATM card, credit cards, bank books
- House and car keys
- Driver’s license and registration
- Medication
- Welfare identification
- Work permits, green cards, passport(s)
- Divorce papers
- Medical records
- Lease or rental agreements, house deeds, mortgage payment book
- Insurance papers
You Can Help
AWAY is always in need of supplies to help victims get back on their feet, and stay out of dangerous situations. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation please contact our hotline at 304-255-2559.